This online discussion on Thurs., Sept. 10, at 11:00 a.m. MST with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks from London is the inaugural event of “Conversations on Religion, Ethics, and Science” or “CORES” at Arizona State University. It is supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation ( to the Arizona Center for Christian Studies. CORES is led by ASU Prof. Barry Ritchie in cooperation with Directors from the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, Center for the Study of Economic Liberty, Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Center for Jewish Studies, and the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership. Rabbi Sacks is an international religious leader, philosopher, award-winning author, and respected moral voice will be joined by directors of four academic centers at Arizona State University for a dynamic livestream conversation centered around the release of his latest book Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times. While lamenting the cultural and political forces that have divided Britain, America, and the wider world, presents a remarkable vision of hope for the future. Join us as top scholars at ASU engage in meaningful discussion with one of the world’s leading public intellectuals to discuss topics around morality, religion, and politics. Register now to be a part of this timely discussion via webinar at or watch the livestream at