Christian Academic and Professional Organization

What is CAPO?


CAPO stands for Christian Academic and Professional Organization. Some other examples of Christian organizations doing great work in academic and professional development include InterVarsity and Faculty Commons. A Christian academic & professional organization ties in with reaching every corner of campus. They have a long track record of creating Christian fellowship in the field of the sciences.  Other Christian ministries have a hard time doing this, as they aren’t set up to help with academics. Organizations like this typically exist on Christian college campuses, so why not secular universities too?

This is also a blessing for professors and professionals because they get to meet likeminded students. CAPO want to help maximize strategic kingdom reach and impact!

What will CAPO do?


We have one org currently and have an undergrad and a grad chapter. We want to continue developing chapters of CAPO among both undergrad and graduate students, encouraging students to drive the formation and growth of these chapters. With that said, we have a lot of help and encouragement to bring to the table!

Our audience is students, professionals and professors. Bridging these three groups is what leads to true professional development and formation of lasting relationship! CAPO will operate similarly in many ways to other orgs like Faculty Commons and Intervarsity. We also seek to bridge gaps with some of the disciplines that they don’t reach, including Christians in business and Christians in media.

What are some practical things AZCCS provides to CAPO?

Find like minded-people on campus
Connect to national orgs
Help by providing a link to student organizations
Secure meeting spaces
Help you plan through how to kick off

Our Vision

We want to bring together students with professors, professionals and practitioners in the community to help each have more capabilities in their work, with a particular focus on student success. We also want students to see that they can be a person of faith and a person of excellence in their professional calling, showing models of people who are doing that in every discipline. This may look like mentoring, guest speakers or resources for development in professional/spiritual life.

Let’s start a conversation!

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