You are invited to participate in the Conference in Faith and Science (COFAS) at ASU Tempe on March 22-23, 2019. The conference theme is “Pursuing Science and Christian Faith for Human Flourishing.” Keynote speakers are Professors Stephen Barr, James Buizer, Greg Cootsona, Georgia Dunston, Paul Gabor, Philip Kurian, Jonathan Lunine, Don Page, Leslie Wickman, and Everett Worthington. For more information and to register, please visit the conference website at
We are accepting abstracts for posters on the conference theme in the following fields:
- Biological, Biomedical, and Health Sciences
- Engineering and Technology
- Environmental Sciences and Sustainability
- Historical, Philosophical, and Theological Studies of Faith and Science
- Physical and Molecular Sciences / Astronomy and Cosmology
- Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Sciences
Student poster competition:
All accepted abstracts from students will be considered for a poster competition that will be judged on the day of the poster presentation on Saturday, March 23, 2019. The first, second and third winning undergraduate and graduate student posters will be awarded cash prizes of $500, $300 and $200 respectively. Winning posters may be kept by COFAS to display for up to one month at the discretion of the conference organizers. The abstracts should focus on the integration of Christian faith and any of the above fields leading to human flourishing. Topics could include but are not limited to thoughtful commentaries, historical perspectives, debates on current issues, topical research, experiments, field projects, education and pedagogical techniques, public policy, etc.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts in electronic .pdf format to [email protected]:
- Abstracts should be no more than 500 words. The author should indicate name, affiliation and a contact email address under the title of the abstract. The author should also indicate whether he or she is an undergraduate or graduate student or a faculty member.
- The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, February 22, 2019. Notification for acceptance of the abstract will be emailed on Thursday, February 28, 2019.
- Authors of accepted abstracts will present their posters on Saturday, March 23, 2019. Posters should be 3’x4’ and it is the responsibility of the presenters to print their posters. Display boards will be provided.